The Vienna Opera Academy Code of Conduct is a contract between the Academy and the student/ artist which supersedes all division handbooks and applies to all students/artists at the Vienna Opera Academy for their duration, without pause (including breaks and students on a leave of absence), until the end day of the session.

The faculty and students / artists of the Academy are colleagues and must respect each other at all times. Mutual kindness and consideration must be observed. The rules below are to assure that we will have a wonderful summer experience.

When students choose to accept admission to Vienna Opera Academy, they accept the rights and responsibilities of membership in the Academy and social community. As members of the community, students / artists are expected to uphold its values by maintaining a high standard of conduct.

Student misconduct is defined as any student behavior that violates rules of Vienna Opera Academy as stated in this document, contained within any Academy publication, or on the website; and/or is in violation of state, local, or federal laws and ordinances.

Students who are present or accompanying others while in the act of violating the Student Code of Conduct may be as culpable as the violators and may be subject to sanctions.

Occasionally, the rules of the academy and the law will overlap, but the academy does not attempt to duplicate the law or legal system. The Academy reserves the right to pursue matters through its student conduct system that may also be addressed in the legal system.

Serious violations or persistent minor violations of academy rules, policies, or regulations may result in suspension or expulsion.

The Academy reserves the right to adjudicate misconduct that occurs off Musikverein or outside the Kolping Wien Zentral if such misconduct becomes known to the school.

  1. Appropriate attire is required at rehearsals, lessons, stagings and masterclasses at all times. Shorts and flip-flops are impractical for ease of movement and are not allowed.
  2. Students may not socialize with faculty except during special planned Academy Events.
  1. All participants in the Vienna Opera Academy have been deemed qualified to participate and no student should seek preferential attention.
  2. No student / artist may harass, demean, malign or intimidate another student / artist or faculty member for any reason. No student may discriminate against a student or faculty member on political grounds or for reasons of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnic origin, national origin, ancestry or for other arbitrary or personal reasons.
  3. No student may create a hostile environment in which others are unable to conduct or participate in work, performance, living or other activities and is likely to cause an immediate breach of peace, including but not limited to stalking and cyber-stalking.
  4. All problems should be reported directly to the Head of Operations or to the General Director.
    If it is found that any student has caused emotional abuse, physical abuse, or abuse of reputation or property to a student or a faculty member, their participation in the program will be terminated immediately. There will be no refund of fees paid.